“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer September 5, 1965 – Lambarene, Gabon –...
“The bookends of success are starting and finishing.” Dr. John Maxwell 2009, New York City: Pete Hamill, the distinguished Writer in Residence at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University made New York times “400 Most Influential New Yorkers...
2005 – Fort Hays State University – Fort Hays, Kansas: Nola Ochs was cleaning out a closet when she discovered a brochure from Fort Hays State University. She sent them an email enquiring about her old transcript. Academic adviser, Joleen Briggs, finally found Och’s...
July 1999 – Belleville, Michigan: Tammy and Rusty Stafford had been expecting the letter. The company where Rusty had worked for more than two decades had been sold. Rusty didn’t have a retirement plan, but the big boss, Bob Thompson, had promised that everyone would...
In early 2008, Terry and Regina Locklear sat in the office at their sock mill, Emi-G Knitting, in Ft. Payne, Alabama, wondering what the future held for them. The mill was quiet, and except for a few key employees, all the workers were laid off. On the days the plant...
No, not that F word – shame on some of you. Fail – it’s a four-letter word that we’re all too familiar with. We worry about doing it, do everything we can to avoid it, and when it happens it makes us feel downright awful about ourselves. It doesn’t matter what...